Sunday, September 18, 2011

Just Another "C" Word........

There will be no wasting time now.  Holy shit!  Chemo starts Monday morning at 9:00 am.  I am realizing there are so many phases in this battle.  Each one has so many unknowns and anxieties associated with it.  Seems like I finally get used to something and the next step is knocking at the door, kind of like a stalker.  I think we are attacking the real unknown pretty hard.  Three chemo drugs (TAC) at a time, every three weeks for a total of six weeks.  Total will be 18 weeks if all goes as planned.  Dr. Wendt says hair falls out at two weeks and four days.  I guess I'll find that out soon enough.  Once again, it is hard to separate the vanity from the treatment.  I have a hard time picturing myself bald.  What a frightful sight with scars, unfinished breasts and no hair!!  Unfortunately, it is real and happening.  I have looked at some wigs online, no scarves yet but probably will soon.  Once again as I read some other women's stories I am amazed how they handle things so calmly.  I guess it is just facing the facts and moving forward.  I think of it like swimming through mud!  I was given a couple prescriptions to start before chemo, anti-nausea and some sort of steroid to prevent allergic reaction.  It is weird to take things for something that doesn't feel real.  I feel pretty nervous about all of this, reading too much and worried about side effects.  Hopefully I will get some sleep and get through this without too many problems I have read about.  Thanks again for all the encouragement and love! ♥♥♥                                                                                                                                          
Keeping The Vanity in Check!!


Anonymous said...

Boy....sure is going fast. By the time you read this, your first treatment will be history! Hard to fathom. 2 weeks, 4 days? Pretty absolute, all at once or gradual? Been thinking about you guy's alot.Hopefully, we can get away and visit later. YLU

Anonymous said...

Sara...I think about u and your family everyday, and always say a prayer, I wish I could do something to make it all go away.


Sandra said...

Sara, this is a huge hurdle for you to clear and your thoughts about no hair and unfinished breasts are human and understandable. If it makes you feel any better, if you do lose your hair, the only thing I picture is your beautiful smile and a personality so vibrant that no one will notice any aesthetic changes. Love, love, love and prayers I send to you. xo

Tami said...

Sara....I hated leaving you yesterday, wish I could move in and take care of you, the boys, the dogs, the house, the yard.....It does give me some comfort knowing you are surrounded by such a wonderful support system. I met so many fantastic friends of yours and their love and concern for you was obvious. Accept their help, you are the same type of friend and have been their for all of us at one time or another........stay strong, my friend.