Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Relievd this Part is Over!

A quick little update while I am a bit lucid.It has been one long ass day.  Up at 5:00 a.m. with plenty of time to spare.  I took dogs for long walk and then came home and went swimming topless for last time with the oldies!  Very nice.  It was really hard to get myself ready, so after as much procrastination as Bruce would allow, I packed and got ready.  Left house crying but knew that would occur many more times today. Actually I held myself together most of the day. Lots of signatures and waiting.....
Prepped for surgery at 1:30, finally got a "medical margarita"  so I could relax a bit.  Then I woke up being wheeled down hallway. I have no idea where I am, but I have nice single suite room. Pain was not as bad as I anticipated as long as I don't move!  I am all wrapped up in really tight ace bandage.  Won't come off until next week and I am glad.  I feel good about decision and honestly feel it was the right one for me.
I think I will be headed home tomorrow, see how things go tonight.  Should get pathology report Monday and decide future treatment with that info.
"aitäh veery palju" (Estonian for thank you very much!)
♥ Sara ♥


Tami said...

they may have taken your boobies but not your wit! thank god for that

Anonymous said...

WOW..didn't know they are passing out doobies for boobies!! Glad to hear things went well. We all said prayers for you and will continue too.


Anonymous said...

We love you ! John and Lezlie

Anonymous said...

So I just realized it was a "medical margaRITA" not marijuana...I thought that sounded weird. You can imagine my shock imagining you puffing in your surgical gown getting ready to be wheeled to surgery! Lmbo!!



Anonymous said...

Courage! Bill and Margaret

RealNurse said...

second day always the WORST. Home you still have your sofa king funny sense of humour? Love you and hope to see you face to face soon. Be strong.