Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sofa King Scared!!

Not much to say today, I am extremely anxious and scared.  Getting closer, which is good and bad at the same time.  It is funny how we don't always appreciate things until they are gone (or almost gone!).  I think I  am sad to say goodbye!!!
For all you that know my sofa king humor and those that don't you can watch and enjoy this video!!
Thanks for love, prayers (we know I need all I can get!), and thoughtfulness! ♥♥♥


Anonymous said...

I watched the video and laughed OUT LOUD! It's hilarious!

Soulful Living in Suburbia said...

thank god for you humor girl that will get you through!!!!

stephanie zea said...

Sara, Watched the video. I think I was just like that lady. and you thought I was sofa king we tarded!

RealNurse said...

you are sofa king funny! Love you!

RealNurse said...
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