Tuesday, October 25, 2011


My sister Caty was here for long weekend.  We kept pretty busy.  Did a couple walks, had a mani/pedi, had a facial and went to Vance's basketball game.  We rented a couple movies, both really bad!!  It was a great visit and really helped us to reconnect.  We spent some quality time just talking on the patio, thankfully weather has cooled a bit here!  This weekend was the first time I actually wore one of my wigs out.  It was pretty itchy and I felt like it was really obvious that it was a wig!  Saturday we had lunch at the Biltmore golf restaurant (where Clark bar tends).  After lunch we walked around the resort.  There was a group of ladies visiting in one of the sitting areas.  We walked by and one said to me "I love your hair!  It is such a great look!"  I said thanks as we laughed and quickly walked by.  We had many laughs about that the rest of the weekend.
I am feeling pretty good overall.  I get tired pretty easily and my appetite is still really weird.  I am really dreading next Monday's treatment #3.  I pretty much know what to expect and I do not like it!  It is funny to do all these things just because of statistics!  I have to keep telling myself how fortunate I am to help me keep doing what I am supposed to do.  Hopefully I will only have minimal side effects for the rest of the week as I prepare for Monday. Booohooo!                                                            
We continue to have such wonderful support and help!  Thanks for all the thoughts, love, and prayers!
♥♥ Sara ♥♥

Getting a facial!
Looking Fabulous!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Obviously this is "breast cancer awareness" month.  I don't think there is any reason I would be particularly sensitive to it but it is everywhere!  I hear, see and read pink every time I turn around!  I am so grateful for all the work other people and groups have put toward the fight against breast cancer, but I think it is just a little to close to home right now.  Drew wore pink shoelaces and Vance wore pink socks in their games for me this week ♥.  So many people walked  and wore pink for me.  I am so glad they can do it right now because in my heart I support it 100%, but my body is not cooperating right now. So I will just bleed pink in support right now! 
This week has been a little more tolerable than the first time around.  Dr. Wendt made sure I had proper pharmaceuticals to make side effects less intense.  I have never taken so many pills in my life but I will assume they are helping.  My description of chemo is "a never ending tequila and red wine hangover, after running a marathon!"  Actually, I have never run a marathon but think the end result would feel about the same.  I am extremely sore and have frequent waves of nausea.  The hardest part is the fatigue.  I will get a burst of energy, get something done (like picking up dog poop!) and be thoroughly exhausted and even out of breath!  I have a harder time than usual focusing and can't even read a book :(.  I have to say I have not been very productive lately!  (That comes from childhood, when Harley used to tell us "just do something productive!")  I will say that although I feel like shit much of the time I do consider myself to be very fortunate.  I can do nothing and be unproductive without guilt.  I am blessed to be in a situation where I can focus on the "pink" fight without other excessive worries.  My sister is coming from Florida on Thursday for a long weekend.  I am looking forward to her visit and hope I am on the upside of round two.  Either way it will be great to have her here!  Vance is taking driving test on Monday.  Having his license will be very helpful, except then I will just worry about him driving! 
That is all I can think of right now.  I am definitely feeling what they call "chemo brain".   Which  makes a person's brain feel foggy, cloudy and forgetful!   I am sure it is from the chemicals!
Thanks for all the continuing support, help, love and prayers! 
Sara ♥♥♥                                                                                                                                                    

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Round Two.

I have felt pretty good overall the past week.  Still tired and not really much of an appetite.  I have managed to get caught up on some things before Monday.  Round two chemo at 9:15 a.m.  According to things I have read, some side effects are worse and some not as bad.  I am not sure what to expect, but I am not really scared this time.  My hair is pretty much gone, very very thin amounts left.  I wear a turban type hat around house, so I look like a fortune teller.  I went out twice with hat/wig.  I felt pretty self conscious but getting used to it all a little bit at a time.
Vance had his 16th birthday on Saturday.  Having a moonlight bowling party next Saturday.  I will have to stay home and let Bruce man the crowd!   Vance can get his drivers license in a week, which will be really helpful. 
Seems like I have more to report, but I can't remember right now!  (One side effect of chemo, or maybe just age??).  I will check in with round two report as soon as I am able! 
Thanks for love, prayers and support!  ♥ Sara ♥

Thursday, October 6, 2011

That Was Way Too Fast!

Hair is pretty much gone!  Fell out by handfuls :(.  Sheila and Cheryl used my clippers and shaved what was left down to about half an inch.  I totally look like a chemo patient now!  I have to actually go out in public today.  Well, it is just to doctors office, but that it out of safety of my house.  Now I not only have to figure out what clothes to wear but what the hell to put on my almost bald head.   Baseball cap with hair attached or my short wig are in the finals. They all make me nervous!
I am still feeling pretty good.  Walked a couple miles again, felt great.  I have a bit more of an appetite, but not for same things I used to like.  Not too much else to report this morning. 
Love to everyone  ♥ Sara ♥

Monday, October 3, 2011

It is Happening...............

It is really happening.  Ahhhhhhh.  My hair is definitely falling out in mass amounts.  Started off with itchy, tingly scalp.  Then the comb FULL of hair,  Now hair everywhere.  I should just cut really short, maybe tomorrow.  People keep saying "you will look nice, even bald."  Ready or not it is here.  Hopefully I can embrace it soon enough.  I was  thinking  I will dress up as Saturday Night Live's cone head for Halloween!!
I had a fever and a seroma (fluid filled golf ball thing under my arm) the past few days.  Had it drained today and on some more antibiotics.  Hopefully controllable, drain it again Friday.
I felt good this morning, took girl dogs on a couple mile walk.  Great to be out in civilization.  Hoping to go rest of the week healthy before next Monday's poison treatment.
That's about all the news for now, Wigs and hats will be making debut way too soon!
Thanks for Love  ♥Sara♥

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chemo Cocktail????

This may be hard to believe, but there actually is a cocktail I don't like!  They call it a chemo cocktail.  It consists of a mixture of different toxic and poisonous ingredients.  People sometimes ask "what's your chemo cocktail?"  First time I heard it I thought the lady was trying to be funny.  Now I know what it means and every time I hear the word cocktail I think of chemo, maybe that's a good thing!!
I continue on the roller coaster of ups and downs this week.  Sunday and Monday were the worst so far.  I even fell off cliff of nausea into true vomit!  Along with that came a horrible headache.  Called the oncologist and got some little orange pills to help with nausea.  By Monday night I felt better.  Had chemo follow up on Tuesday, Dr. Wendt actually felt bad he hadn't handled situation and let it get to the point I felt so bad.  I didn't blame him but nice a doctor would apologize!  Anyway, he gave me a bunch of prescriptions to help next round go easier.
So, off to Wig Salon my friend Sharlene and I went.  A bit intimidating at first but then I found a couple I liked and actually felt relieved.  The wigs came with names, Catherine and Cleo.  I realized the wigs aren't the real issue, but being bald is.  According to statistics and my calculations, next Friday is the day!!!  I did get a short haircut on Wednesday to get a bit prepared.  I like it but I call it my 10 day haircut!!
Vance had a fever and body aches on Tuesday.  He came in my room after school and said he felt bad.  I put my hand on his forehead and said "oh, you are sick!"  Then all the sudden I said "Get out of my room!!!"  I was remembered I am  immune suppressed!  Didn't matter anyway, I felt pretty good Wednesday and Thursday.  Then Friday woke up with fever and body aches.  I am lying low today and hopefully can it fight off with whatever cells haven't been killed off!  I am hoping to have next week to refuel before treatment #2.
Well today is October 1st. The month of "Breast Cancer Awareness".   Unfortunately I am now aware of breast cancer every single day!! I used to think way too much attention was paid to just "breast" cancer. I am now grateful for all the effort people have put toward it! Havasu had their "walk for the cure today. Some of my friends walked on my behalf. They made it fun and I wish so much I was there to walk with them! Thanks girls!
Thanks everyone for the never ending love and support! ♥♥♥
♥ Lori, Mary Ann , Tami and Terri ♥

Fight Like A Girl Bedazzled !

Lynn there too, probably running! ♥